Saturday, October 19, 2024

Experience with renting an apartment in USA

 Experience with renting an apartment in USA

In Ann Arbor, MI during mid 90s, we used to give the rent check in hand to apartment manager and definitely it was a no no, to put in drop box. 10th was the last date and usually, the nearest Saturday used to be crowded in the morning.

I remember one day, I suggested to the manager collect the checks and write down the flat numbers in the back and a notebook and deliver the receipt later. It worked!

She brought me 3 donuts as gift, with my receipt. So nice!

BTW, that particular apartment was very strict in asking for one month notice to vacate for any kind of lease and you had to pay for the full calendar month too, apart from few days left in the previous month from the date of notice!

I remember vacating on a 31st, luckily a Saturday, after my project was over the previous day and moved out post lunch with my stuff in car en route to Pennsylvania (sold off all furniture that I had bought) - stayed mid way at Pittsburgh via Reading, PA. Visited Lord Venkateshwara temple, and explored the locality on my own and started onward to Reading, PA after a sumptuous free breakfast at Holiday Inn.

I stayed in a motel at Reading, PA, for the night and started work the next day. I continued to stay in the same motel till next weekend till I was able to move to a rental apartment in the following Saturday evening only. I was given a free month lease honoring my wait time (2 BHK for the cost of a Studio), starting from the first of next month, eventually 22 days free stay and I stayed there continuously for 3.5 years! Obviously I renewed every year at 5% increase, as per lease terms and after 2 years, I had wanted to vacate to move to another apartment near to work - so the 3rd and 4th renewal was done at same rates without increase thanks to the apartment manager. I did give one month notice and vacated few days early, but my deposit was sent only after a month.

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