Thursday, February 29, 2024

Story of Kennedy and His Life

Story of Kennedy and His Life

From a small town in South India, there lived a young man named Kennedy. He was known for his kind heart, sharp intellect, and unwavering determination. He struggled in his life to complete 10th standard, while living with family in a hut. His Parents were poor farm workers.

After his 10th standard, he was lucky to get admission into a Polytechnic in Computer Science Diploma. At the age of 18, with a Diploma in hand, he moved to Chennai looking for a job. He started working in a small company, and in the evening he studied and got his part time Engineering Degree.

Kennedy's life took an unexpected turn when he met Rose, a compassionate and beautiful woman who was preparing to become a nun. They used to meet up in a bus stop, and as shown is most Tamil films, the love developed.

Their connection was instant and undeniable, and despite Rose's commitment to her religious path, love blossomed between them. Kennedy knew he could not let Rose slip away, so he embarked on a journey to win over her heart. He poured all his efforts into convincing Rose that their love was worth pursuing.

Rose, deeply moved by Kennedy's sincerity and love, made the difficult decision to leave her path of becoming a nun. She chose to follow her heart and be with Kennedy. Together, they faced numerous challenges, but their love and unwavering support for each other helped them conquer any obstacle that came their way.

Kennedy's career began to flourish, thanks to his hard work and Rose's constant encouragement. She even took his CV and applied for a suitable job in the gulf. He received a remarkable opportunity to work in Qatar, a country known for its rapid growth and immense opportunities. With Rose by his side, Kennedy made the bold decision to seize this chance and move to Qatar.

However, their journey wasn't without hurdles over the years he had bought a big farm of 7 acres for his Parents. Kennedy's family, particularly his parents and jealous sisters, who were married off well, became consumed by greed and took advantage of his success and made his Parents to bequeath the land to both of them. They had manipulated and coerced their Parents, slowly stripping away his hard-earned wealth and possessions. Kennedy was devastated, but he refused to let their actions define him.

With Rose's unwavering support, Kennedy began his life again from scratch in Qatar. He worked tirelessly, determined to rebuild what he had lost. Despite the setbacks, Kennedy's dedication and talent caught the attention of influential individuals who recognized his potential. Slowly but steadily, he carved a new path for himself, this time with the lessons learned from his past. He continues to help people, who reach out to him for help.

Kennedy's success in Qatar was not solely based on his professional achievements but also the strength of his relationship with Rose. Together, they overcame every challenge, providing each other with unwavering support and love.

Over time, Kennedy's family began to realize the error of their ways. They witnessed his resilience, his unwavering spirit, and the unconditional love that Kennedy and Rose shared. Their wealth and material possessions paled in comparison to the genuine happiness and fulfillment Kennedy had found.

In the end, Kennedy's story became an inspiration to many. He proved that love, determination, and resilience could conquer any adversity. With Rose by his side, he built a life filled with love, success, and happiness, showing the world that sometimes starting from scratch can lead to the most extraordinary and fulfilling journey of all.

Simple Truth: Feeding India's Poor with a Holistic Approach

 Simple Truth: Feeding India's Poor with a Holistic Approach


India, a country with a population of over 1.4 billion people, faces the daunting task of addressing the needs of its most vulnerable citizens. Among them, a staggering 80 crores (800 million) people earn less than 100 rupees per day on an average that is not enough to feed their family. Ensuring that this vast population has access to nutritious food is a complex challenge that requires a multi-faceted approach. While there is no magical solution, it is important to acknowledge that no diet or eating plan can work sustainably without considering the following factors: understanding the effects on our hormones, maintaining energy balance, practicing discipline, consistency, and fostering behavior change.

Understanding the Effects on Our Hormones:

Our hormones play a crucial role in regulating appetite, metabolism, and overall health. When it comes to feeding the poor, it is essential to consider the nutritional content of the food being provided. A diet that is rich in essential nutrients, such as proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, can help regulate hormonal imbalances and promote satiety. Providing meals that incorporate a balanced combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can go a long way in ensuring that individuals feel satisfied and receive the necessary nutrients to support their well-being.

Energy Balance:

Maintaining energy balance is another fundamental aspect of a sustainable dietary approach. For those earning less than 100 rupees per day, it is crucial to strike a balance between the energy obtained from food and the energy expended through physical activity. Understanding portion sizes, selecting nutrient-dense foods, and avoiding excessive caloric intake can help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy weight. This can be accomplished through education and guidance on making informed food choices that are both affordable and nourishing.

Discipline and Consistency:

While poverty and limited resources pose significant challenges, it is important to recognize the role of discipline and consistency in achieving long-term well-being. Cultivating discipline in food choices and portion control can help individuals make the most of the resources available to them. Additionally, consistency in adopting healthy eating habits can lead to positive changes in overall health. It is crucial to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions and sustain healthy eating patterns.

Behavior Change:

In order to address the issue of feeding 80 crores poor Indians, a holistic approach must include a focus on behavior change. Simply providing food without addressing the underlying factors that contribute to poverty and limited access to nutritious options will yield only temporary results. It is essential to invest in education and programs that empower individuals to break the cycle of poverty and make sustainable changes in their lifestyles. This may include initiatives that provide vocational training, enhance job opportunities, and promote financial literacy.


Feeding 80 crores poor Indians who earn less than 100 rupees per day requires a comprehensive and holistic approach. While there are no shortcuts to achieving sustainable change, understanding the effects of diet on our hormones, maintaining energy balance, practicing discipline and consistency, and fostering behavior change are vital components of any solution. By addressing these factors, we can empower individuals to make informed choices, improve their overall well-being, and break free from the cycle of poverty. Together, we can work towards a future where all citizens have access to nutritious food and the opportunity to thrive.