Saturday, March 23, 2024

Atheism - Going with the flow of culture


Once upon a time, in a small town in southern India, there lived a man named Meenakshisundaram. He was a young and ambitious individual who believed in the power of hard work and determination. His father, on the other hand, was a staunch atheist who didn't believe in religious rituals and ceremonies. However, despite their contrasting beliefs, Meenakshisundaram's father always made an exception when it came to family outings and temple visits.

Meenakshisundaram's father would often take the entire family on trips to hill station temples, where they would participate in various religious ceremonies and pujas. He would immerse himself in the rituals, chanting prayers and seeking blessings from the deities. Meenakshisundaram would watch his father's unwavering devotion, yet he couldn't help but notice a peculiar habit his father had.

Once they stepped out of the temple, Meenakshisundaram's father would wipe his head vigorously with his towel, as if trying to wash away any remnants of his religious fervor. It was a puzzling sight for young Meenakshisundaram, and he couldn't fathom why his father would engage in something he didn't truly believe in.

As Meenakshisundaram grew older, he began to question his father about his contradictory behavior. One day, after returning from a temple visit, Meenakshisundaram mustered the courage to ask his father about the towel-wiping ritual.

"Dad," he said, "I've noticed that after every temple visit, you wipe your head with your towel. Why do you do that?"

Meenakshisundaram's father smiled and sat down next to him. He patted his son's back affectionately before answering, "My dear son, there is a term called 'going with the flow.' While I may not entirely believe in the religious practices, I do believe in the power of unity and family bonds. These temple visits are not just about appeasing the gods; they are about spending quality time together as a family."

He continued, "I wipe my head with the towel as a symbolic gesture. It represents letting go of any lingering doubts or worries and returning to the real world, where hard work and determination are the driving forces. Just like the towel wipes away the sweat from my forehead, I believe that hard work is the only thing that can truly sustain and provide for us."

Meenakshisundaram listened intently, realizing the wisdom in his father's words. He began to understand that his father's actions were not contradictory, but rather a reflection of his pragmatic approach to life. While he may not put blind faith in rituals, he recognized the importance of embracing family traditions and creating cherished memories.

From that day forward, Meenakshisundaram adopted his father's philosophy. He worked diligently, pouring his heart and soul into his studies and career. He understood that while rituals and prayers have their place, it is ultimately hard work that paves the way to success.

As the years went by, Meenakshisundaram achieved great things in his life. He became a successful professional, admired by many for his dedication and perseverance. He also passed on his father's teachings to his own children, emphasizing the value of hard work and the significance of family bonds.

Meenakshisundaram's journey taught him that life is a delicate balance between traditions and practicality. It is possible to respect and participate in rituals while also recognizing the importance of personal effort and determination. And in the end, it is the combination of these elements that brings true fulfillment and prosperity.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Retirement Planning in India : Real Estate, Stocks and Mutual Funds


Planning for retirement is an important financial goal, and it's great that you're considering different investment options such as real estate, stocks, and mutual funds. While I can provide you with some general guidance, please keep in mind that investment decisions should be based on your individual financial situation, risk tolerance, and long-term goals. It's always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor who can provide personalized advice tailored to your specific needs. With that said, here are some points to consider:

  1. Real Estate Investment: Real estate can be a good long-term investment option, providing both rental income and potential appreciation. Here are a few steps to consider:

    a. Research and analyze the real estate market: Study the property market trends, potential rental income, location, and future development prospects before making an investment decision.

    b. Determine your budget and financing options: Assess how much you can afford to invest and explore financing options such as loans, if needed.

    c. Consider rental income potential: Evaluate the potential rental income by analyzing rental rates in the area and the demand for rental properties.

    d. Property management: Determine if you will manage the property yourself or hire a professional property management company. Property management can be time-consuming, so consider the associated costs and responsibilities.

    e. Diversification: It's generally advised not to put all your retirement savings into a single real estate investment. Diversify your portfolio to mitigate risk by investing in different types of properties or geographic locations.

  2. Stocks and Mutual Funds: Investing in stocks and mutual funds can offer potential long-term growth. Here's a general approach to consider:

    a. Define your investment strategy: Determine your risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon. This will help you choose the appropriate mix of stocks and mutual funds.

    b. Research and analysis: Thoroughly research the companies or mutual funds you're considering investing in. Look at their financial health, historical performance, management, and future prospects.

    c. Diversify your portfolio: Spread your investments across different stocks or mutual funds to reduce risk. Diversification can be achieved by investing in various sectors, asset classes, or regions.

    d. Regular monitoring and review: Keep track of your investments, review their performance periodically, and make adjustments as necessary. Stay informed about market trends and news that may impact your investment decisions.

    e. Consider professional advice: If you're new to investing or lack the time and expertise, consider consulting a financial advisor to help you make informed investment decisions.

Finally, if you have a Rs 1 crore as deposit in a bank, in 2024 rates, you might end up getting, about Rs 70,000/- a month pre tax at 8% per annum returns. If you spend half and re deploy the other half properly, you can save the taxes, with new IT rates upto 8 lakhs. Take caution in investing whatever way. There is risk involved in any bank as you are insured upto 5 lakhs FDs only.

Remember, investing in real estate, stocks, or mutual funds carries some level of risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. It's essential to have a well-diversified portfolio and to regularly review and adjust your investments based on your changing financial situation and goals.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Life of Family

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Bangalore, there lived a man named Vijay. At the age of 55, he found himself facing the challenges of providing for his family, which included his wife, a mentally unstable daughter, and an autistic son. Despite the hardships life had thrown his way, Vijay remained determined to create a better future for his loved ones.

Vijay firmly believed in the power of hard work and had always instilled this value in his children. He had witnessed the struggles that came with relying solely on prayers, and he understood that tangible actions were needed to bring about change. "If only prayers can give free food, the last 15 years would have been wonderful for me," he would often lament. "Believe me, there is no God or Super power. Be rational and work hard for your own good. Youngsters have to realize that. Hard work only pays."

Despite his own financial burdens, Vijay managed to secure admission into a top engineering college. It was an opportunity he knew he couldn't let slip away. Determined to make the most of this chance, Vijay dedicated himself to his studies, often burning the midnight oil to ensure he excelled in his coursework.

However, upon completing his engineering degree, Vijay faced a new challenge - job interviews. Despite his qualifications, he struggled to secure a job through the campus placement process. Rejection after rejection left him disheartened, but he refused to give up.

Undeterred by his setbacks, Vijay decided to take matters into his own hands. He began searching for job opportunities outside of the campus recruitment process. Day in and day out, he tirelessly scoured job listings, networked with professionals, and honed his interview skills. He attended numerous interviews, each one bringing him closer to his dream of providing a better life for his family.

As Vijay continued his pursuit, he encountered numerous rejections, which only fueled his determination further. But his perseverance paid off when he was finally offered a job at a reputable company in Bangalore. It wasn't the glamorous position he had initially envisioned, but it provided him with a stable income and the opportunity to support his family.

With his new job, Vijay's life gradually began to improve. He worked diligently, saving every penny he could to ensure his children received the best education and medical care possible. Over time, his efforts bore fruit, as his children's lives started showing signs of improvement.

His mentally unstable daughter received the necessary treatment and therapy, which helped her regain stability and find purpose in her life. His autistic son, too, flourished with the aid of specialized education and care. It was through Vijay's unwavering dedication and hard work that his family began to experience the joys of progress and success.

As the years went by, Vijay's children grew up to become independent and successful individuals. They inherited their father's resilience and work ethic, using it to overcome their own obstacles. Vijay's daughter found solace in creative pursuits, becoming a renowned artist, while his son discovered a passion for technology, ultimately building a career as a programmer.

Looking back on his life, Vijay realized that the last 15 years had indeed been challenging, but it was his determination to work hard and create a better life for his family that made all the difference. He had learned firsthand that relying solely on prayers would not change his circumstances, but by combining faith in oneself with relentless effort, one could achieve the seemingly impossible.

Vijay's story serves as an inspiring reminder that while life may present us with numerous obstacles, it is through our own actions and hard work that we can forge our path to success.